I tried this product after I saw it in the PX here in Iraq. I love it. I can stand up and don't have to go out when it is inconvenient or unsafe. I found that when you can't go out, the opening fits into an empty bottle very well. I have recommended it to all the women that I work with. Thank you for a very well made product. Y C - US Army Myself and other fellow female aviators have used the P-mate and it is fantastic. It is a great help on our long missions and just one more way for us to be 'one of the boys'. You are welcome to use this as a testimonial. Thank you. Jess US Marine, Afghanistan Dear P-Mate, I am an female US Marine and am currently deployed to Afghanistan. I cannot tell you how hard it is for us females to urinate when we are out. With everything we have on and carry squatting is just plain bad. I can't tell you how many times I have struggled back into the vehicle with my pants still half down and all the male Marines laughing about my predicament. I received your product in a care package not too long ago and WOW!!!! How much easier my life has been with it. Funny story the first time I used it. No one knew what I was doing until they saw I was peeing. Many where in awe of me standing up and a little frightened at the fact I was able to do so. I have turned on many of my female companions to the awesomeness of your product and trust me you will be getting lots of business very soon. Again thank you for your AMAZING product. Janine Bennett I just love these things! I have referred them to so many friends. I just retired from the Air Force (a flying job where they came in very handy) and now need more for all the camping I plan on doing. Thank you!! TRAVEL |
I bought these, not because I'm active and trying to avoid getting mosquito bites on my bare bum in the woods, but because I have a degenerative neuromuscular disorder. I can no longer arise from a standard toilet, and even many of the so-called "handicapped" toilets are sized for hobbits. Bars alone do not make it handicap accessible! My options up until now have been to stay at home, limit my outings to places where I know that the toilets are usable, (and hope they are also clean), stop drinking the night before a planned outing and don't drink all day, or hold it. Or carry along a large plastic toilet lift. Those range from embarrassing to dangerous. These little gadgets are perfect for those of us with mobility issues as well as the highly active women (that we once were...I would have loved these then, too.) You can fold one in half and stick it in a ziplock bag in your back pocket, and use it several times in one day before disposal, as it has a slight wax coating. It would not be suitable to save for a second day. P-Mate has given me my freedom back, and will actually make it feasible for me to remain in the workforce longer. Thanks, Ladies! B. Welch, Tennessee Here's my story. I am a 27 year old with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy. I lead a quite active life outside of my house. Because of my illness and my active life style, I have been forced to think outside of the box to accomplish some very routine activities. Public restrooms have always been a challenge. I do not have the strength to rise from a public handicap toilet. Therefore, I generally take a plastic Solo cup with me on my outings. To keep from returning home every time I needed to go to the bathroom, I found an alternative that was not fabulous but got the job done. I would stand and peeing in my plastic Solo cup. This worked okay.....until the cup was almost full and I was not done. I would then have to stop peeing, dump the cup in the toilet, re-position, and resumed peeing. This was very tricky and not much fun, but better than hurrying back home every time nature called! My husband ran across a Lady J in a Cabelus magazine. I checked in to it, but did not feel it was very sanitary. Lady J's are made of hard plastic and are reusable. I didn't feel this would solve my problem because it would have to be cleaned after every use and was rather large to carry around with you. So my hunt began for something disposable. I found P-mate's on the Internet after a Goggle search of Pee Like A Man. I placed an order and could not wait for them to arrive so I could try them out. Upon P-Mate's arrival, I tried them out at home before taking them on the road. And they work great!! No more pinching it off to empty the cup. P-Mate has allowed me freedom from my home for longer periods of time. Thanks! |
Excellent product---I will never be without. They take the worry and the hassle out of answering nature's call while out fishing on a boat, or on a long desolate drive, or traveling in a third world country. Very hygienic too! Love 'em!
Becky Solonika
Aloha, Oregon 4/4/15
I'm a mother of two young kids. I don't like the title "stay at home mom" because we are usually out - not at home! We spend the majority of our time at parks, taking nature walks, libraries, museums and such. My husband gifted me with several P-mates last Christmas, and I have to say, I passionately consider these to be a game-changer for women.
I used the P-mate for the first time on a camping trip with my family. It was time for my middle of the night urination, and instead of wandering across the campsite to the restrooms, I was able to duck discreetly behind our cabin and relieve myself. It felt amazing! I was impressed at the fact that it REALLY worked, handled a good flow, was comfortable and NOT messy at all! And I was immediately hooked on this product. Since then, I've used this product while hiking, at the beach, in port-a-potties, as well as my own backyard. It's also come in handy to just pee standing up in a regular toilet, while I am wearing a sleeping baby in a baby carrier. The freedom to have a choice NOT to ever again sit on a vault toilet, or disgusting port-a-potty seat is so incredible.
I have been spreading the word about this product to my family and friends. And it's usually met with giggles and jokes. This is natural, I think. But, I've also studied a lot of Women's Study courses in my college career. So, I have to say, that I think more deeply about our experiences as females than others might. And to have the ability to urinate comfortably, discreetly, and freely in so many situations is really empowering as a woman. Men have always enjoyed this choice - though not all are comfortable peeing anywhere, they do have the opportunity. I loved finding your website and reading reviews about women serving in the military, and women with disabilities, and the impact that this product has on their lives. I consider myself a pretty "normal" woman; living my day to day life with my family and caring for my kiddos. My four year old son reminds me almost every day that I can use my "she-we". He even drew a picture of me the other day and said, "Oh no! I forgot to draw your she-we!" And my 1 year old daughter will always have an option to go when she needs to go; without having to squat, and expose her entire bottom half in an uncomfortable and vulnerable way. So, thank you so much for this product.
Marilyn Taylor
I am a professional driver who discovered P-Mates when a friend turned me on to them. She was a search and rescue volunteer and had occasion to need to pee while walking a search line and you can't just drop trouser when there are people on either side of you 3 feet away. I took her advice and have never regretted it.
Awhile back, my company was repaving Hwy139 South from the Oregon border towards the Potato fields of California's Northeast. There are very few trees in the area, and many farms and farm houses. Needless to say, the P-Mates really came in handy when I was stuck waiting to unload for long periods, far away from the port-o-potties. I even ended up sharing a pack or two with the other women on the job, truck drivers, and traffic controllers both.
!'m hooked and will never leave home without my P-mates! I purchased these specifically for snowmobiling and wow am I Impressed! Even with all my gear on they were a breeze to use. No more searching for the perfect spot to do my business, no more squatting next to my sled, and no more exposing my bare
bottom in the frigid winter! After some initial giggles from my boyfriend he is now convinced that I have super powers. (Kidding, but he does think they are amazing!) Snowmobile season just started but I guarantee I will be handing these out to every woman snowmobiler I see! I really believe that every woman should experience the freedom that P-mate gives you. Thanks!
We bought P-mates for Coachella a couple of years ago and they were so great, especially when the sun went down, that we bought them for all of our friends this year! Who wants to hover in a port- a potty when you can stand?! I'm also going to Malaysia next month and I need to order more for the stand up toilets there....P-Mate make such a difference
This is a product that has literally changed my life. I'm an avid concert / festival goer (my husband is a musician) and HATE the thought of using the porta-potties. I tried other products (urinelle) and had good luck sometimes and other times peed on myself (I know, classy). This product is perfectly shaped and makes it so easy! I walk out of the bathroom feeling liberated. As a bonus, they fold up easily to fit in your purse. Girls, seriously you have to try this!
Leslie Kinney Kansas City, MO
I can't say enough about my P-mates. I have a pack in my purse at all times. No more hovering in nasty port-a-potties or toilets at sporting arenas. I have been buying them for over 6 years and still find new places where they come in handy.
I am a long distance motorcycle rider and wear full protective gear. I also am a kayak fisherwoman. Both activities make peeing a challenge due to the remote areas I often find myself. Also, I don't like being so vulnerable--half naked on the side of a road or in a boat! Did massive Google research and found you. Tried other 'devices' over the past year and have finally decided that your product is BY FAR the best. Hence my giant order : ) Happy to testify anytime Karen. Awesome product and perhaps, quite literally, a lifesaver.
I found the P-Mates a few years ago and bought them for my wife, kinda as a joke, but she actually loves them. We do a lot of adventure sports (dirt bike riding, snowboarding, 4wheeling etc.), and there isn't always a bathroom available, so this turns out to be the perfect solution!
I just returned from a 2 wk. river cruise to Russia and I have to tell you how grateful I am for the P-mates. I ordered them "just in case", not really thinking I would need them; however, they were a lifesaver. There were many occasions where the toilets were only concrete holes in small stalls and all the women were having a difficult time squatting. It was especially difficult because we were dressed in layers of clothing because of the very cold temperature. I was able to use the P-mates easily and it was so convenient to remain standing and staying dry. I could have sold them many times over.
P.M., Fremont, CA
I just wanted to write and tell you how much I appreciate your product. I had my first opportunity to use my P-Mates while camping last weekend and I was able to enjoy my weekend so much more without the dread of little "trips" into the woods. My legs just aren't as strong as they used to be! Three days went by with ease and not a single drop ever leaked. I was the envy of other women on the trip who wanted to run into town and look for P-Mates at the store. Looking forward to stocking back up now - thanks a million!
Ann S., Maryland
I'm reordering because these are a godsend! You can use my testimonial if you like...
I'm the only woman on a landscaping crew in the Pacific Northwest. Not only is there no bathroom in nature, it's often raining sideways! Just try pulling down rain pants, Carhartts, and long underwear at the same time while attempting to stay dry! P-Mate has been nothing short of miraculous. Thanks!
P-mates are essential for multi-day music festivals. By the end of the weekend the port-o-potties are so foul, but I don't have to worry because I always take my P-mates! Such a relief!
As promised a testimonial for P-Mates from a trip to Egypt. While the toilet situations were much better than anticipated there were a few occasions where the P-Mate was needed. I was traveling with a large group on a museum trip to see the various temples and tombs in Egypt from North to South. In one tomb site in particular I became quite the heroine when I shared the P-Mates that I brought along. How liberating not to be frightened of the holes in the ground!! Many giggles later everyone was very pleased with the outcome. Thanks a million.
Paula in Michigan
While on safari in Africa, with the water buffaloes ready to come out of the bushes, P-Mate is the easy way to relieve yourself and still be ready to run if need be.
I often travel to developing countries where sanitary restrooms are frequently not available. Often there are only squat toilets. P-Mates are indispensable! Don't travel without them.
I was recently in PNG. Toilets were full of mosquitoes and dirty. Or out on a boat we made a pit stop on the shore. The guys did their thing behind a tree unobserved. SO DID I ! using my P-mates. Otherwise I would have been exposed. Also, at my senior age squatting is impossible. Getting up and down without falling over. I don't have to worry about that with P-Mate. I'm going to Madagascar and Burma soon. You can bet my P-mates will travel with me. I also find them handy in air plane toilets and airports.
We used these while hiking and found them to be invaluable! They are easy to use, clean, and convenient both on the trails and at some of the nasty outhouses at the trail heads. We even use them at rest stops. I'm sending some to our daughter whose son is in football and has to deal with football field outhouses. A co-worker has recommended them to her sister who is a missionary. It's really a great product and makes awkward situations so much easier!
Therese in Illinois
Sorry I haven't had a chance to get back with you but I didn't get a chance to test your product until this past weekend. First let me say that we have tried 5 different products and couldn't believe the differences between all of them. Three were totally useless and one was very uncomfortable, yours definitely works the best. It was the simplest and cleanest ( will still require a bit of practice) I think you have a great product here and I will share the information with friends. Thanks so much.
Cynthia Cole Sacramento, CA
This is a must on my travel list. I have used them on tour in Vietnam, Cambodia and recently in Kenya and Tanzania. You do not know how many times, you saved my bladder. Thank you.
In reference to your survey, the P-Mate was researched on the Internet while being highly recommended on various web sites for outdoor hiking for females. My husband researched and ordered this product for me a month ago and I compared it to another brand. Your product works likes a charm and is easier to use. Thanks!
ACD from TX
The P-mate is outstanding! (I know it's stupid humor but there must be some way you could use out-standing in your sales pitch.) I had no problem adjusting to using them. The sturdiness and size were of concern before I tried them. I was thinking they were not as discreet to carry around as the Urinelle brand. (not that that mattered at Burning Man!) As it turned out, that is exactly why I liked them. The other product did not hold up after being folded. The Urinelle brand was flimsy, not shaped as nicely and I peed all over my jeans on a hike using one! Thank goodness it was a short hike and a sunny day. Nothing like the aroma of sun-dried p-jeans. P-mate is sized much more appropriately. I have no complaints. I'm sharing my supply of P-mates with my friends. They are amazed that there is such a product available.
I am just getting back from my elk hunt/Colorado trip. What a beautiful place to be. Just wanted to let you know that my first day out hunting I forgot to pack my P-Mates, what a hassle is was dealing with extra clothes. Long underwear, hunting pants, and then bib overalls that are rain wear, so at least 3 layers on. After that I made sure that my P-Mates were the first thing in my back-pack. Thanks to P-Mate, you make a natural thing so much easier for women that are in the out of doors. No Elk this trip out, but are looking forward to going again next year for our 30th anniversary, and I'll make sure that my P-Mates are packed in my pack first.
Sorry it took me so long to answer your email. I had a great summer and the P-Mate helped to make my travels much more comfortable. Thank you Thank you Thank you for this product! I have an interest in geology and am taking classes toward earning a degree. My hobbies are gold prospecting and I am a rockhound. I had been using another product and found it did not suit my needs at all. It was bulky to carry, I had to bring almost a dozen along for 3 day trips, was not very easy to use, I had 2 accidents when using it. That product could be used more than once but you had to suffer with carrying it and it's contents for a second use. I chose to bury the thing each time which means I had to bring a shovel each use. Plus with that product there was still the issue of BAREing certain parts of my body to potential view of the world. I was searching the Internet for an alternative and found your web site using the Yahoo! Search Engine.
Lora in MO
This summer I was lucky enough to have off from work, so I took advantage and went on at least 20 trips hiking all over the Sierra Nevada Mountains and trips into Nevada hunting for gold, minerals, rocks, and gems. I am sure you are aware that more men than women would be into geology, makes it tough for women when there are no facilities and the guys like to peek! And believe me we went to places where there were no facilities, many places had no bushes or even tree's to hid behind! I am so glad for the P-Mate. So small I could hide them in my backpack and very easy to use. I love it that I could use one several times before having to dispose of it. Actually I used only four over a 3 day trip. It freed up that pocket in my backpack for essentials, like sunscreen and chap stick. I love it that the P-Mate is biodegradable and will degrade in 1 years time or less. The guys really couldn't believe it when I STOOD next to a drop off just like they do! It was quite fun actually.
Sherry A., California Mother Lode
I love the freedom your P-Mate gives women. Thanks so much for a wonderful product and I will be recommending them to my fellow female rockhounds and prospectors!
I love Pmates! I tell my boyfriend, who bought them for me, that they are my new best friend. Until I discovered them, I had a terrible time on hikes - especially in National Parks, where restrooms are only on trailheads and there can be WAY to many people to find any privacy. I actually held it in on a hike in Zion National Park for three miles because I couldn't find any place to go that offered privacy! I have even been exposed, literally, to an entire bus of tourists in Yellowstone. But no more! I can do it wherever I want, and P-mates are incredibly easy to use - my very first try was a complete success. I can't wait to bring my P-mates snowshoeing (last year I placed my entire rear into a snow drift by accident, which was quite unpleasant).
Freedom!! Whether in the "big city" or great outdoors, travel and enjoy life to the fullest knowing that p-mate will answer your call!!!
Amy, Kansas
Dear Conde Nast Traveler,
My husband and I travel frequently internationally..sometimes to some out-of-the-way places, where nice "rest rooms" are non-existent. Actual toilet facilities can be a standard "Arabic toilet" which is a hole in the ground surrounded by raised pads for your feet, or, more likely, a deep hole in the dirt, if that. Either is difficult for Western women, and I often used to wish I could discretely aim like a man! There is a product which has solved this issue -- it is unglamorously called the "P-Mate" and is a foldable, disposable, shaped funnel which allows a woman to void standing up. This is totally brilliant and works like a charm. It would also be great for hiking, skiing, camping, etc.
Your magazine, which we devour monthly, is so helpful......perhaps you could write this up for your readers!
Peggy from Michigan
I am writing to thank the designers of the P-Mate -- a very enthusiastic "thank you!"
Last February, 2007, I traveled from Michigan to Baltimore, Maryland, for hip replacement surgery. In the two months before surgery, I did a lot of research and planning ahead. The two day drive home was a major concern because I couldn't think of any practical way to use a restroom. Hip replacement requires weeks of restricted
bending that would make it difficult -- even with handicapped bars to hang onto. The idea of lugging a large plastic seat raiser into the restroom, while using a walker at the same time, then trying to clean it at the sink or put it back into a container without cleaning it, was not appealing.
I heard, on an internet forum, about aids to enable a woman to pee standing up, and found that idea enticing. A search found a number of brands on the Internet and, being skeptical, I wanted to try some out before depending on one. I ordered three different disposable kinds, knowing that these would be much easier than the kind that needed to be cleaned after use. I gave each brand at least three tries before giving up. The only one that didn't leak all over was the P-Mate. The way that it is contoured to fit the body made for success on the first try. The longer extension makes it easier to aim than the others that I sampled.
I wore a skirt home to make it easier and P-Mate was a perfect companion. I can't tell you what a relief it was to have that problem solved. In the weeks since then I have been able to go to visit friends or take drives without worrying about getting too far from home. I now am confident enough to wear slacks and find them no problem. Only once with P-Mate was there a slight leak and as soon as I shifted the device a bit further back, it immediately stopped before getting on my clothing.
Soon my weeks of restricted bending will be over, but P-mate will remain. Next October I am having my other hip replaced and this ingenious device will be indispensable again. But even after that, I will always have one or two in my purse. Dirty restrooms, porta-potties, and airplane restrooms will be so much easier to use.
A simple idea, very well designed! I am so very grateful to the "inventor!" Go P-Mate! No pun intended :-D
P Welch York PA
I planned a trip to Italy for four women with great anticipation ---- and some apprehension about toilets that are little more than a hole in the floor. We were also concerned about unclean bathrooms. Some online research led us to P-Mates. With just a little practice, they worked exactly as advertised, and were also easy to dispose of. The women I was traveling with had a lot less anxiety because we had prepared. I am so glad I found this product.
T.S. California
I am currently training for a marathon and collecting donations for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I have never done a marathon before and one of my biggest stressors was not the miles,but how am I supposed to pee while I am doing the marathon. I was told there are port-a-potties along the route, but sometimes the wait to use one can be as long as 20 minutes. As a first time participant, I do not have that kind of time. There is a time limit on this event. Not only do I have the marathon to think about, but also, my training can be as much as 20 miles at a time, and that is not exempt from the call of nature.
I am a nurse and I was convinced there HAD to be some sort of female urinal out there. Then I found your website and the heavens opened up and a ray of hope appeared. I was saved. I swiftly ordered your nifty product, tried it at home and I plan to order many more. I also plan to use these little goodies when I go backpacking next week. It can be very precarious to squat with 25 lbs strapped to ones back, and let us not forget poison oak! That could get very ugly.
Seriously, I am so glad I found the P-Mate.
Jan TX
Even though I was familiar with this product from having used it while traveling, it wasn’t until my knee replacement surgery that it
proved absolutely indispensable. All patients are told to drink lots of fluids for several days following surgery, which of course leads to frequent urination. The convenience of being able to stand is an enormous relief – not just because of the pain of surgery but because of the accompanying weakness. The fact that there is nothing to clean simply drop in the trash) is an added benefit.
I’ve just completed my second knee transplant. This small, simple device has been an enormous help to me both times! Many, many thanks to the smart lady who had such a great idea!!
10/4/2015 by Gail
Awesome product if your heading to a 3rd world country. We were in China and I wish I had this product then!!!!
10/4/2015 by M-Ruth
As a biker chick grsndma, finding that "discrete place in the woods" is often difficult. Can't wait to put these to good use.
9/25/2015 by Alison
I am buying more of this terrific creation. You can stand up and pee ladies! If you have difficulty crouching down this is a lifesaver. Though I can see from the remarks of others that they may have had difficulty with the following 2 concepts, you must be sure you do two simple things for this device to work without any problem at all: 1) you must make sure that the device is fully opened, and is placed firmly next to your body without gaps and 2) you must be sure that you are COMPLETELY done going to the bathroom before you take the device away. The paper and its coating are substantial and ripping the product is not a problem. Thank you P-Mate!!!
9/23/2015 by Mariz
A very good device to bring with you especially on the plane. No spills at all and very convenient to toss it out. Buying 3 packages from The Grommet is much cheaper since other online site sells it per package.
9/5/2015 by Carrie
I just used these on a kayak trip. They work great when your out of doors and nowhere near a bathroom.
8/1/2015 by Patricia
I wish these had been around my entire life. Would have been so helpful and comforting in so many situations. We woman have to put up with a lot but this problem is solved. Thank you creators !
8/1/2015 by VIVIAN
I recently used the P-Mate while on a fishing trip down the Delaware. With two male fishing mates close by, I was able to "stand up and pee" discretely – no muss, no fuss. From now on I will be certain to carry it on walks, hikes, fishing and other times when ‘facilities’ are lacking. Just put it in a plastic bag with a packet of tissues and you’re able to ‘’go’ where the guys ‘go’. Bottom line? A great idea.
6/21/2015 by Gail
I was very impressed with the "P-Mate". It works incredibly well for what it is. Because I go out rockhounding, camping, and hiking often, I carry some in my glove compartment, my camping things, and my backpack.
6/20/2015 by CGW
Very practical and useful. This is a re-order for me and will continue to use them.
4/30/2015 by Norman
Got the dirtiest look and that you and your money wasted speech...... then a few days later she said what the heck.... well as it turns out I'm not so crazy ;)
4/10/2015 by Jim
The P-MATE is also perfect for men and boys who are passengers on long road trips when, for whatever reason, you cannot stop to "go". I'm going to explain this as modestly as I can, and lets all be mature here...
If you are wearing loose shorts, the P-MATE can slip up the inner leg where the leg band of the underwear (if you are wearing it) can be lifted, and this will allow you to funnel the urine into a container.
But for many guys who are wearing pants with zippers, we all know that, when sitting, the zipper doesn't align with where your guy-parts are; so we either have to pull our pants down and attempt to aim into a bottle that has to be held in an awkwardly non-upright position, or illegally remove our seatbelt and turn around into a kneeling position to aim into a container while giving passers-by an eyeful.
With the P-MATE, you don't have to go through all of that. All a guy has to do, while in a sitting, buckled-in position, is
just tear off the small end wall of the P-MATE,
pull down the pants zipper,
place the P-Mate beside or south of the zipper,
and place his guy-part in through the removed end wall while directing the other end of the P-MATE into a container.
Simply cover yourself with a shirt, jacket, towel, blanket, etc., for privacy. It may sound complicated, but it isn't!
3/30/2015 by Carrie
This has got to be the smartest thing in female products since the first mini-pad. I bought these for my concert/festival going, bar hopping, 20-something daughter and neices. They were thrilled!
3/20/2015 by Veronica
I was hoping to not use them on my trip to Africa, but I always kept a pack of P-Mates inside my purse just in case. As predicted, there came a time where there was no way to sit, squat, or otherwise be near the toilet, so I successfully used the P-Mate!
It was worth purchasing, always knowing that I could go to the bathroom when I needed to.
Suggestion: Practice with one in the privacy of your own bathroom before you venture out in the world!
Keep a small pack of baby wipes as a companion to the P-Mate.
3/15/2015 by Tanaka
I'm so thrilled someone came out with something so we women can stop squatting!
2/13/2015 by Donna
They are very functional when the need arises...great for car trips! You never know what the restrooms may be like while you're traveling...gave one to one of my girlfriends and we had a good laugh, but she'll use them when she goes camping!
2/13/2015 by Michelle
Fantastic, all the girls in my family have tried it and are thrilled
1/8/2015 by Joanna
They were very much appreciated by all the other ladies in the family. Frequent travelers, campers, concert-goers; everyone was excited to have these in their bag for future needs.
12/18/2014 by Trish
This is a great invention for women who love to spend time outdoors but find it cumbersome to carry a toilet with them.
12/15/2014 by Jane
A life-saver while traveling in China! So glad I found these just before our trip.
12/10/2014 by Charmaine
Terrific product. I have bought a number of these. Some are for gifts, especially for friends and relatives who travel a lot. Also gave samples to my GYN doctor and to my Geriatric doctor. They may want to offer your name to patients.
12/9/2014 by MAX
As a woman serving in the military this product is very useful, especially when you do not have access to a toilet. Also, you do not have to take off all of your equipment to use the restroom, which can be essential for time efficiency and safety. Highly recommend this product. Thank you for your support!
12/7/2014 by Virginia
Great for use in those disgusting "restrooms" and Port-A-Potties! No more rolling up the pantlegs and pulling your clothing away from the toilet while trying to relieve yourself in an awkward squatting stance. I was a little hesitant about trying the P-Mate; but after experiencing a gross Port-a Jon at the beach, I decided to order them. They are a bit expensive for someone who could use all 3 packages up in a day, but they are excellent for emergency use!
12/5/2014 by PETER
Its pristine beauty far surpasses its obvious utility. Leonardo would have been proud -- and Mrs. Leonardo would, no doubt, have loved her FUD
11/27/2014 by Elizabeth
In the future I will be having a hip replacement; in the meantime, I am in pain 24/7. When I go out I find that many places have rest rooms with very low toilet seats & trying to get off the toilet is very painful; however, the P-MATE has come to my rescue in that by using it I do not have to sit down on any public toilets. Not only does using the P-MATE help my hip pain but also my knees. I carry two or three in my purse at all times & am very grateful for this invention.
11/26/2014 by Randy
Perfect buy for a clever Christmas gift.
11/25/2014 by Kate
It is excellent
11/24/2014 by Diana
I was so very happy to have these in China! Most of the bathrooms have eastern style (hole in the floor) and very inconvenient for us western women! Thank you for whomever thought of these!
11/5/2014 by Judith
Easy to use. Great for hiking, camping in the rough, and anywhere restroom facilities are not available.
11/5/2014 by Tracy
I love these things! I have two young girls and these have been extremely handy on outings and sporting events. I love them as well! I feel like I have to go all the time, and knowing I have these on hand is comforting! I have probably given out more than half of what I bought to share how wonderful they are. I'm on my second order and already have given almost all away! I'll be ordering more soon for sure! Thanks again for putting these on you site...and to the inventor! She is a genius...
11/4/2014 by Elizabeth
I am giving this item a five rating not because I have personally used these female urination devices, but because when I told my daughter that I was sending her a couple of these packets she was thrilled !!! "I've wanted these for a long time, MOM!! "They will be great when we go camping !! I am so sick of sitting in the bushes!!"
11/2/2014 by Hope
I first purchased these as a "joke" for my hiking buddies. Then, I realized that I had to do some extensive airplane travel during the Ebola scare. I decided that these would take a lot the worry out of airplane rest rooms. Plus, I tried them, and they work really well. They aren't a joke any longer...I ordered two more sets of them!
10/30/2014 by Mary
This is an incredible product. I would highly recommend this anyone. It makes being outdoors an easier experience.
10/29/2014 by Kate
Well-designed – extraordinarily easy to use.
10/20/2014 by Linda
Convenient to use when traveling and having to use dirty restrooms.
10/15/2014 by Grace
Used at a football tailgate instead of port -a-john. Even the 10 year old girls were able to use it.
10/14/2014 by Cora
When I first saw this product, my first reaction was to laugh. Then I thought about my upcoming trip to Europe, where I have frequently found public toilets without toilet seats on past trips. I ordered some "just in case" for my trip. What a life saver! The area that we were traveling in was fairly rural and I did not see a toilet with a seat for the whole week except the one in our hotel room. This device made my life much easier as it made it easy and clean to use these toilets without a seat. I intend to keep one in my purse even for domestic road trips as I think it would be handy for those times when you find those "Ew!" toilets in gas stations!
10/6/2014 by Lynn
THIS is a BRILLIANT item. I had bought a "human range extender" from West Marine years ago, but it is plastic...so yeeewwww. I love that this is a toss away. I bought enough for the cars, the boat and my purse, just in case!!
10/3/2014 by Rebecca
I have been waiting for something for us women and the outdoors. My husband and myself travel each year for two week on the motorcycle and sometimes there not a lot of options for women on the road in the middle of nowhere. These have come in handy. Great great great.
9/30/2014 by Lisa
I've been doing lots of travel especially in national parks and forests. With so many experiencing drought, many parks have closed their better restroom facilities and opted for port-a-potty arrangements. Yuck! Nasty! Disgusting! Please don't make me touch ANYTHING! Thank you P-Mate!! These work. It pays to try it at home so you get the idea of how to kind of push your hips back to get the right angle. I keep them handy also for public restrooms which increasingly seem to be as bad as many port-a-pottys. I use them on airplanes as well. I have purchased a large supply and put a few in all our vehicles and keep one in my handbag.
9/29/2014 by Pamla
I had the pleasure of having one of these in my purse this weekend while attending a booth I had at an outdoor festival. Just as I assumed the porta potty was horrible! I went in, assumed the position and to my delight, was able to relieve myself. This is a must for public restroom use that you simply cannot prepare the stool to sit on. I will purchase more. Thanks!
9/17/2014 by Brad
Makes boating much easier having these on board and ready to use. No need to carry the porta-Potty anymore.
9/8/2014 by Cyndi
If you are even looking at these . . . order 'em. Yes, they work. Don't worry about how they work, once you get the package the directions are so simple.
They really are quite genius!!
I'm reordering for myself and for stocking stuffers. A very fun, but very useful, gift for travelers, hikers, campers, etc.
8/25/2014 by CJ
So glad that someone came up with this! I am so tired of "cleaning up" public toilets before I can use them! I tried this and it works great! It will also come in handy on those long drives that have no rest areas and lots of country roads.. now I can just pull off somewhere, use the P-Mate, and hit the road! YAY!
8/19/2014 by Audrey
Great product!
8/16/2014 by Denise
I felt a little funny writing a review for these, then I thought let me help my sisters out...These things work! I used them for hiking and they made 'going in the woods' so much easier. I was skeptical at first and was a little hesitant, bc I was afraid it might be messy. But just follow the instructions that come with them and it's easy-peasy! Will definitely re-order. A must for future hikes, stops in porta-potties and less than clean rest stops.
8/12/2014 by Denise
Was in Sturgis for the rally and it was a big hit. Gave them to a few of the girls and came in handy for the middle of the night use. Too far to walk to the bathroom in the cold and dark. Great idea!!!!
8/7/2014 by Tania
This simple invention is just terrific! I hike all the time and for distances of 5-10 miles at a time. Trying to find a tree/bush not too far off the trail with enough privacy is challenging sometimes. This has changed my hiking for the better tremendously! I keep a pack w/me at all times in my backpack and another in my truck - just in case!
8/6/2014 by Diane
This is the best thing since sliced bread for women. I mean, how many times have you watched your man "go" with ease while you stood there with "it" either dripping down your legs or splashing up from the ground? This eliminates all that, thankfully!!
8/4/2014 by Debbie
Works great. Definitely good since I work outside where people are not home. Saves me a lot of time! I just hate trying to squat and balance...
8/4/2014 by Sam
I travel to Scout camps and I'm happy to be able to use it in bathrooms at rest stops and in latrines in the woods. Squat and/or "hover “to void is always such a balance challenge, especially when one has MS as I do. I've tucked a couple in my purse, and although it seems a little weird, I am letting my female friends know about this cool device.
8/2/2014 by Rita
I had always dreamed of inviting something like this( my "porta-penis"), ever since I was a young girl and went on hikes with my father and siblings. At long last, I can now easily take care of Nature's business in a very easy and convenient way! It is so very simple to use, discreet to store, and can be wiped with a biodegradable tissue so that you can use one over again (at least 3-4 times) before it shows signs of wearing. Now that I have three packages, I think I will be all set for the rest of the season. I plan on buying more and giving them as gifts for my more forward thinking girlfriends. I know some ladies will think they'd never use one, but when there is no place near where you can easily urinate, I think that they might reconsider. I highly recommend this product.
7/31/2014 by Sara
AWESOME for hiking in the woods and not wanting to expose areas to bugs, poison ivy, or other hikers! Thank you for someone finally
inventing a workable solution to this unique situation women arein. Passed a few on to a biologist who does field work in New Zealand and she is thrilled....I can even use it when boating! :O)
7/30/2014 by Linda
Love this!
7/28/2014 by Ado
My husband and I travel a lot and this will make such a clean way to use port-a-potties and unsavory restrooms. It took a little effort to pee standing, but once I did, it WORKED!
7/24/2014 by Marianina
I have two granddaughters, 2 and 4. I have a very bad back and can’t lift or always get where I have to go.
This a wonderful item to have at this time and for years to come.
7/23/2014 by Shirley
Works great, easy to put into use.
7/23/2014 by Katharine
Used it on a recent long trip, and it was great. Recommended!
12/22/2014 by Verna
I suggest you practice using one at home before you try using one outside the home. It took a few tries before I got the hang of it. If I am ever on a car trip with no access to a restroom or the restroom is filthy, I will be glad I have these in my glove compartment. Carrying some TP and a plastic bag might be a good idea too.
9/8/2014 by Tara
I deliver packages to the countryside all day, and am often on the road for 9-10 hours. The problem with delivering packages is that you can't stop and go "Hey, mind if I use your bathroom?”. I was restricting my fluid intake, which during the summer is dangerous, and having chronic UTI's from holding it all day. But when your other choice is to squat, I'd rather hold it! These are a game changer. It's simple to use (I do HIGHLY recommend using them at home first, it took me about 5 tries to 'get it', to where I trusted using them out on the road), discreet, and it's simple to find a relatively secluded spot, pull over, relieve myself, and carry on. I love these, and have been introducing them to the other drivers. Highly recommend these.
8/9/2014 by Carrie
Great product! I'm buying more!
7/23/2014 by Al
Bought this product for my girlfriend since we go to a lot of outdoor events that only provide a "port-a-potty'. It was a big hit! She stated that she doesn't dread the experience of having to go, anymore. She's also learning to improve her aim.
I love P-Mate! We travel often and it is a life saver. I keep one in the car, one in my purse and travel with lots of them. I recently used one in an emergency when we were at a concert and the ports-potties had long lines. Walking to the car my husband and I popped into some thick trees and I got to pee right along side him! I starting using them while training for a half marathon and will not give them up! Funny story: While at the airport in Orlando leaving for Norway I was wearing 3 layers of clothing and did not want to take everything down, so I used a P-Mate while standing up in the ladies room stall. Well, it sounds completely different from sitting and shocked the others in the room. One brave woman kept washing her hands until I came out of the stall and looked me up and down concentrating on what I may be hiding under my jeans! LOL. I smiled sweetly.
I am a woman that hunts and fishes and have shared my backside with TOO MANY OTHERS. Thanks for restoring my dignity in the woods.
Brilliant!! UK
I'm forty years old and IT'S A PITY THAT I'VE WAITED FOR SO LONG. It really works! It feels like liberation. No more dirty gas stations, no more calculations if you can have another drink, no more fear of getting caught with bare buttocks in the headlights. The P-Mate is really marvelous. Kind regards and lots of success with spreading this good news further.
Liberation at last! Works amazingly well!
My name is Sande, and I have just tried the P-mate for the first time. I have kidney and bladder problems, and have to catch urine for 24 or 48 hours at a time. It is a pain in the neck to go in the hat, then transfer it into the jug. Now, I can go right into the container!!! Also, I have starting trouble and I can't hover because I can't relax enough to start going. Now when I'm out and the bathroom is nasty, I can whip out my P-mate and not have to worry about sitting on some disgusting toilet seat. I have a friend who has knee problems, and must try to get to the bathroom on crutches and in pain. Now she can just go anywhere. Another friend had a full body cast on, and the way the leg came up to the groin area, she couldn't get the female urinal to fit right and it usually leaked. She could have used this eight years ago! Thank you for your wonderful product.
Good idea-much more hygienic! GREAT!! Ireland
Weird at first but WHAT AN INVENTION! Fantastic!
An exhilarating and surprisingly hygienic experience!
AMAZING!! The best thing ever invented for woman. I feel like a real woman now-he he.
This needs to be commercially available – why didn’t they invent it years ago?
Ridiculously funny, but works great!
Absolutely, bloody excellent! About time! UK
Fantabulous idea! How much fun!
How cool is that – peeing standing up. FRANCE
Hygienic, amazing and practical for sure! Here we are guys!
Great, better than hovering over the long drops!
No mess, no hover, all good!
Wow, female liberation, bring on the urinals! P-Mate rocks! DENMARK
Janine Bennett 4/16/2015
Excellent product---I will never be without. They take the worry and the hassle out of answering nature's call while out fishing on a boat, or on a long desolate drive, or traveling in a third world country. Very hygienic too! Love 'em!
Becky Solonika
Aloha, Oregon 4/4/15
I'm a mother of two young kids. I don't like the title "stay at home mom" because we are usually out - not at home! We spend the majority of our time at parks, taking nature walks, libraries, museums and such. My husband gifted me with several P-mates last Christmas, and I have to say, I passionately consider these to be a game-changer for women.
I used the P-mate for the first time on a camping trip with my family. It was time for my middle of the night urination, and instead of wandering across the campsite to the restrooms, I was able to duck discreetly behind our cabin and relieve myself. It felt amazing! I was impressed at the fact that it REALLY worked, handled a good flow, was comfortable and NOT messy at all! And I was immediately hooked on this product. Since then, I've used this product while hiking, at the beach, in port-a-potties, as well as my own backyard. It's also come in handy to just pee standing up in a regular toilet, while I am wearing a sleeping baby in a baby carrier. The freedom to have a choice NOT to ever again sit on a vault toilet, or disgusting port-a-potty seat is so incredible.
I have been spreading the word about this product to my family and friends. And it's usually met with giggles and jokes. This is natural, I think. But, I've also studied a lot of Women's Study courses in my college career. So, I have to say, that I think more deeply about our experiences as females than others might. And to have the ability to urinate comfortably, discreetly, and freely in so many situations is really empowering as a woman. Men have always enjoyed this choice - though not all are comfortable peeing anywhere, they do have the opportunity. I loved finding your website and reading reviews about women serving in the military, and women with disabilities, and the impact that this product has on their lives. I consider myself a pretty "normal" woman; living my day to day life with my family and caring for my kiddos. My four year old son reminds me almost every day that I can use my "she-we". He even drew a picture of me the other day and said, "Oh no! I forgot to draw your she-we!" And my 1 year old daughter will always have an option to go when she needs to go; without having to squat, and expose her entire bottom half in an uncomfortable and vulnerable way. So, thank you so much for this product.
Marilyn Taylor
I am a professional driver who discovered P-Mates when a friend turned me on to them. She was a search and rescue volunteer and had occasion to need to pee while walking a search line and you can't just drop trouser when there are people on either side of you 3 feet away. I took her advice and have never regretted it.
Awhile back, my company was repaving Hwy139 South from the Oregon border towards the Potato fields of California's Northeast. There are very few trees in the area, and many farms and farm houses. Needless to say, the P-Mates really came in handy when I was stuck waiting to unload for long periods, far away from the port-o-potties. I even ended up sharing a pack or two with the other women on the job, truck drivers, and traffic controllers both.
!'m hooked and will never leave home without my P-mates! I purchased these specifically for snowmobiling and wow am I Impressed! Even with all my gear on they were a breeze to use. No more searching for the perfect spot to do my business, no more squatting next to my sled, and no more exposing my bare
bottom in the frigid winter! After some initial giggles from my boyfriend he is now convinced that I have super powers. (Kidding, but he does think they are amazing!) Snowmobile season just started but I guarantee I will be handing these out to every woman snowmobiler I see! I really believe that every woman should experience the freedom that P-mate gives you. Thanks!
We bought P-mates for Coachella a couple of years ago and they were so great, especially when the sun went down, that we bought them for all of our friends this year! Who wants to hover in a port- a potty when you can stand?! I'm also going to Malaysia next month and I need to order more for the stand up toilets there....P-Mate make such a difference
This is a product that has literally changed my life. I'm an avid concert / festival goer (my husband is a musician) and HATE the thought of using the porta-potties. I tried other products (urinelle) and had good luck sometimes and other times peed on myself (I know, classy). This product is perfectly shaped and makes it so easy! I walk out of the bathroom feeling liberated. As a bonus, they fold up easily to fit in your purse. Girls, seriously you have to try this!
Leslie Kinney Kansas City, MO
I can't say enough about my P-mates. I have a pack in my purse at all times. No more hovering in nasty port-a-potties or toilets at sporting arenas. I have been buying them for over 6 years and still find new places where they come in handy.
I am a long distance motorcycle rider and wear full protective gear. I also am a kayak fisherwoman. Both activities make peeing a challenge due to the remote areas I often find myself. Also, I don't like being so vulnerable--half naked on the side of a road or in a boat! Did massive Google research and found you. Tried other 'devices' over the past year and have finally decided that your product is BY FAR the best. Hence my giant order : ) Happy to testify anytime Karen. Awesome product and perhaps, quite literally, a lifesaver.
I found the P-Mates a few years ago and bought them for my wife, kinda as a joke, but she actually loves them. We do a lot of adventure sports (dirt bike riding, snowboarding, 4wheeling etc.), and there isn't always a bathroom available, so this turns out to be the perfect solution!
I just returned from a 2 wk. river cruise to Russia and I have to tell you how grateful I am for the P-mates. I ordered them "just in case", not really thinking I would need them; however, they were a lifesaver. There were many occasions where the toilets were only concrete holes in small stalls and all the women were having a difficult time squatting. It was especially difficult because we were dressed in layers of clothing because of the very cold temperature. I was able to use the P-mates easily and it was so convenient to remain standing and staying dry. I could have sold them many times over.
P.M., Fremont, CA
I just wanted to write and tell you how much I appreciate your product. I had my first opportunity to use my P-Mates while camping last weekend and I was able to enjoy my weekend so much more without the dread of little "trips" into the woods. My legs just aren't as strong as they used to be! Three days went by with ease and not a single drop ever leaked. I was the envy of other women on the trip who wanted to run into town and look for P-Mates at the store. Looking forward to stocking back up now - thanks a million!
Ann S., Maryland
I'm reordering because these are a godsend! You can use my testimonial if you like...
I'm the only woman on a landscaping crew in the Pacific Northwest. Not only is there no bathroom in nature, it's often raining sideways! Just try pulling down rain pants, Carhartts, and long underwear at the same time while attempting to stay dry! P-Mate has been nothing short of miraculous. Thanks!
P-mates are essential for multi-day music festivals. By the end of the weekend the port-o-potties are so foul, but I don't have to worry because I always take my P-mates! Such a relief!
As promised a testimonial for P-Mates from a trip to Egypt. While the toilet situations were much better than anticipated there were a few occasions where the P-Mate was needed. I was traveling with a large group on a museum trip to see the various temples and tombs in Egypt from North to South. In one tomb site in particular I became quite the heroine when I shared the P-Mates that I brought along. How liberating not to be frightened of the holes in the ground!! Many giggles later everyone was very pleased with the outcome. Thanks a million.
Paula in Michigan
While on safari in Africa, with the water buffaloes ready to come out of the bushes, P-Mate is the easy way to relieve yourself and still be ready to run if need be.
I often travel to developing countries where sanitary restrooms are frequently not available. Often there are only squat toilets. P-Mates are indispensable! Don't travel without them.
I was recently in PNG. Toilets were full of mosquitoes and dirty. Or out on a boat we made a pit stop on the shore. The guys did their thing behind a tree unobserved. SO DID I ! using my P-mates. Otherwise I would have been exposed. Also, at my senior age squatting is impossible. Getting up and down without falling over. I don't have to worry about that with P-Mate. I'm going to Madagascar and Burma soon. You can bet my P-mates will travel with me. I also find them handy in air plane toilets and airports.
We used these while hiking and found them to be invaluable! They are easy to use, clean, and convenient both on the trails and at some of the nasty outhouses at the trail heads. We even use them at rest stops. I'm sending some to our daughter whose son is in football and has to deal with football field outhouses. A co-worker has recommended them to her sister who is a missionary. It's really a great product and makes awkward situations so much easier!
Therese in Illinois
Sorry I haven't had a chance to get back with you but I didn't get a chance to test your product until this past weekend. First let me say that we have tried 5 different products and couldn't believe the differences between all of them. Three were totally useless and one was very uncomfortable, yours definitely works the best. It was the simplest and cleanest ( will still require a bit of practice) I think you have a great product here and I will share the information with friends. Thanks so much.
Cynthia Cole Sacramento, CA
This is a must on my travel list. I have used them on tour in Vietnam, Cambodia and recently in Kenya and Tanzania. You do not know how many times, you saved my bladder. Thank you.
In reference to your survey, the P-Mate was researched on the Internet while being highly recommended on various web sites for outdoor hiking for females. My husband researched and ordered this product for me a month ago and I compared it to another brand. Your product works likes a charm and is easier to use. Thanks!
ACD from TX
The P-mate is outstanding! (I know it's stupid humor but there must be some way you could use out-standing in your sales pitch.) I had no problem adjusting to using them. The sturdiness and size were of concern before I tried them. I was thinking they were not as discreet to carry around as the Urinelle brand. (not that that mattered at Burning Man!) As it turned out, that is exactly why I liked them. The other product did not hold up after being folded. The Urinelle brand was flimsy, not shaped as nicely and I peed all over my jeans on a hike using one! Thank goodness it was a short hike and a sunny day. Nothing like the aroma of sun-dried p-jeans. P-mate is sized much more appropriately. I have no complaints. I'm sharing my supply of P-mates with my friends. They are amazed that there is such a product available.
I am just getting back from my elk hunt/Colorado trip. What a beautiful place to be. Just wanted to let you know that my first day out hunting I forgot to pack my P-Mates, what a hassle is was dealing with extra clothes. Long underwear, hunting pants, and then bib overalls that are rain wear, so at least 3 layers on. After that I made sure that my P-Mates were the first thing in my back-pack. Thanks to P-Mate, you make a natural thing so much easier for women that are in the out of doors. No Elk this trip out, but are looking forward to going again next year for our 30th anniversary, and I'll make sure that my P-Mates are packed in my pack first.
Sorry it took me so long to answer your email. I had a great summer and the P-Mate helped to make my travels much more comfortable. Thank you Thank you Thank you for this product! I have an interest in geology and am taking classes toward earning a degree. My hobbies are gold prospecting and I am a rockhound. I had been using another product and found it did not suit my needs at all. It was bulky to carry, I had to bring almost a dozen along for 3 day trips, was not very easy to use, I had 2 accidents when using it. That product could be used more than once but you had to suffer with carrying it and it's contents for a second use. I chose to bury the thing each time which means I had to bring a shovel each use. Plus with that product there was still the issue of BAREing certain parts of my body to potential view of the world. I was searching the Internet for an alternative and found your web site using the Yahoo! Search Engine.
Lora in MO
This summer I was lucky enough to have off from work, so I took advantage and went on at least 20 trips hiking all over the Sierra Nevada Mountains and trips into Nevada hunting for gold, minerals, rocks, and gems. I am sure you are aware that more men than women would be into geology, makes it tough for women when there are no facilities and the guys like to peek! And believe me we went to places where there were no facilities, many places had no bushes or even tree's to hid behind! I am so glad for the P-Mate. So small I could hide them in my backpack and very easy to use. I love it that I could use one several times before having to dispose of it. Actually I used only four over a 3 day trip. It freed up that pocket in my backpack for essentials, like sunscreen and chap stick. I love it that the P-Mate is biodegradable and will degrade in 1 years time or less. The guys really couldn't believe it when I STOOD next to a drop off just like they do! It was quite fun actually.
Sherry A., California Mother Lode
I love the freedom your P-Mate gives women. Thanks so much for a wonderful product and I will be recommending them to my fellow female rockhounds and prospectors!
I love Pmates! I tell my boyfriend, who bought them for me, that they are my new best friend. Until I discovered them, I had a terrible time on hikes - especially in National Parks, where restrooms are only on trailheads and there can be WAY to many people to find any privacy. I actually held it in on a hike in Zion National Park for three miles because I couldn't find any place to go that offered privacy! I have even been exposed, literally, to an entire bus of tourists in Yellowstone. But no more! I can do it wherever I want, and P-mates are incredibly easy to use - my very first try was a complete success. I can't wait to bring my P-mates snowshoeing (last year I placed my entire rear into a snow drift by accident, which was quite unpleasant).
Freedom!! Whether in the "big city" or great outdoors, travel and enjoy life to the fullest knowing that p-mate will answer your call!!!
Amy, Kansas
Dear Conde Nast Traveler,
My husband and I travel frequently internationally..sometimes to some out-of-the-way places, where nice "rest rooms" are non-existent. Actual toilet facilities can be a standard "Arabic toilet" which is a hole in the ground surrounded by raised pads for your feet, or, more likely, a deep hole in the dirt, if that. Either is difficult for Western women, and I often used to wish I could discretely aim like a man! There is a product which has solved this issue -- it is unglamorously called the "P-Mate" and is a foldable, disposable, shaped funnel which allows a woman to void standing up. This is totally brilliant and works like a charm. It would also be great for hiking, skiing, camping, etc.
Your magazine, which we devour monthly, is so helpful......perhaps you could write this up for your readers!
Peggy from Michigan
I am writing to thank the designers of the P-Mate -- a very enthusiastic "thank you!"
Last February, 2007, I traveled from Michigan to Baltimore, Maryland, for hip replacement surgery. In the two months before surgery, I did a lot of research and planning ahead. The two day drive home was a major concern because I couldn't think of any practical way to use a restroom. Hip replacement requires weeks of restricted
bending that would make it difficult -- even with handicapped bars to hang onto. The idea of lugging a large plastic seat raiser into the restroom, while using a walker at the same time, then trying to clean it at the sink or put it back into a container without cleaning it, was not appealing.
I heard, on an internet forum, about aids to enable a woman to pee standing up, and found that idea enticing. A search found a number of brands on the Internet and, being skeptical, I wanted to try some out before depending on one. I ordered three different disposable kinds, knowing that these would be much easier than the kind that needed to be cleaned after use. I gave each brand at least three tries before giving up. The only one that didn't leak all over was the P-Mate. The way that it is contoured to fit the body made for success on the first try. The longer extension makes it easier to aim than the others that I sampled.
I wore a skirt home to make it easier and P-Mate was a perfect companion. I can't tell you what a relief it was to have that problem solved. In the weeks since then I have been able to go to visit friends or take drives without worrying about getting too far from home. I now am confident enough to wear slacks and find them no problem. Only once with P-Mate was there a slight leak and as soon as I shifted the device a bit further back, it immediately stopped before getting on my clothing.
Soon my weeks of restricted bending will be over, but P-mate will remain. Next October I am having my other hip replaced and this ingenious device will be indispensable again. But even after that, I will always have one or two in my purse. Dirty restrooms, porta-potties, and airplane restrooms will be so much easier to use.
A simple idea, very well designed! I am so very grateful to the "inventor!" Go P-Mate! No pun intended :-D
P Welch York PA
I planned a trip to Italy for four women with great anticipation ---- and some apprehension about toilets that are little more than a hole in the floor. We were also concerned about unclean bathrooms. Some online research led us to P-Mates. With just a little practice, they worked exactly as advertised, and were also easy to dispose of. The women I was traveling with had a lot less anxiety because we had prepared. I am so glad I found this product.
T.S. California
I am currently training for a marathon and collecting donations for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I have never done a marathon before and one of my biggest stressors was not the miles,but how am I supposed to pee while I am doing the marathon. I was told there are port-a-potties along the route, but sometimes the wait to use one can be as long as 20 minutes. As a first time participant, I do not have that kind of time. There is a time limit on this event. Not only do I have the marathon to think about, but also, my training can be as much as 20 miles at a time, and that is not exempt from the call of nature.
I am a nurse and I was convinced there HAD to be some sort of female urinal out there. Then I found your website and the heavens opened up and a ray of hope appeared. I was saved. I swiftly ordered your nifty product, tried it at home and I plan to order many more. I also plan to use these little goodies when I go backpacking next week. It can be very precarious to squat with 25 lbs strapped to ones back, and let us not forget poison oak! That could get very ugly.
Seriously, I am so glad I found the P-Mate.
Jan TX
Even though I was familiar with this product from having used it while traveling, it wasn’t until my knee replacement surgery that it
proved absolutely indispensable. All patients are told to drink lots of fluids for several days following surgery, which of course leads to frequent urination. The convenience of being able to stand is an enormous relief – not just because of the pain of surgery but because of the accompanying weakness. The fact that there is nothing to clean simply drop in the trash) is an added benefit.
I’ve just completed my second knee transplant. This small, simple device has been an enormous help to me both times! Many, many thanks to the smart lady who had such a great idea!!
10/4/2015 by Gail
Awesome product if your heading to a 3rd world country. We were in China and I wish I had this product then!!!!
10/4/2015 by M-Ruth
As a biker chick grsndma, finding that "discrete place in the woods" is often difficult. Can't wait to put these to good use.
9/25/2015 by Alison
I am buying more of this terrific creation. You can stand up and pee ladies! If you have difficulty crouching down this is a lifesaver. Though I can see from the remarks of others that they may have had difficulty with the following 2 concepts, you must be sure you do two simple things for this device to work without any problem at all: 1) you must make sure that the device is fully opened, and is placed firmly next to your body without gaps and 2) you must be sure that you are COMPLETELY done going to the bathroom before you take the device away. The paper and its coating are substantial and ripping the product is not a problem. Thank you P-Mate!!!
9/23/2015 by Mariz
A very good device to bring with you especially on the plane. No spills at all and very convenient to toss it out. Buying 3 packages from The Grommet is much cheaper since other online site sells it per package.
9/5/2015 by Carrie
I just used these on a kayak trip. They work great when your out of doors and nowhere near a bathroom.
8/1/2015 by Patricia
I wish these had been around my entire life. Would have been so helpful and comforting in so many situations. We woman have to put up with a lot but this problem is solved. Thank you creators !
8/1/2015 by VIVIAN
I recently used the P-Mate while on a fishing trip down the Delaware. With two male fishing mates close by, I was able to "stand up and pee" discretely – no muss, no fuss. From now on I will be certain to carry it on walks, hikes, fishing and other times when ‘facilities’ are lacking. Just put it in a plastic bag with a packet of tissues and you’re able to ‘’go’ where the guys ‘go’. Bottom line? A great idea.
6/21/2015 by Gail
I was very impressed with the "P-Mate". It works incredibly well for what it is. Because I go out rockhounding, camping, and hiking often, I carry some in my glove compartment, my camping things, and my backpack.
6/20/2015 by CGW
Very practical and useful. This is a re-order for me and will continue to use them.
4/30/2015 by Norman
Got the dirtiest look and that you and your money wasted speech...... then a few days later she said what the heck.... well as it turns out I'm not so crazy ;)
4/10/2015 by Jim
The P-MATE is also perfect for men and boys who are passengers on long road trips when, for whatever reason, you cannot stop to "go". I'm going to explain this as modestly as I can, and lets all be mature here...
If you are wearing loose shorts, the P-MATE can slip up the inner leg where the leg band of the underwear (if you are wearing it) can be lifted, and this will allow you to funnel the urine into a container.
But for many guys who are wearing pants with zippers, we all know that, when sitting, the zipper doesn't align with where your guy-parts are; so we either have to pull our pants down and attempt to aim into a bottle that has to be held in an awkwardly non-upright position, or illegally remove our seatbelt and turn around into a kneeling position to aim into a container while giving passers-by an eyeful.
With the P-MATE, you don't have to go through all of that. All a guy has to do, while in a sitting, buckled-in position, is
just tear off the small end wall of the P-MATE,
pull down the pants zipper,
place the P-Mate beside or south of the zipper,
and place his guy-part in through the removed end wall while directing the other end of the P-MATE into a container.
Simply cover yourself with a shirt, jacket, towel, blanket, etc., for privacy. It may sound complicated, but it isn't!
3/30/2015 by Carrie
This has got to be the smartest thing in female products since the first mini-pad. I bought these for my concert/festival going, bar hopping, 20-something daughter and neices. They were thrilled!
3/20/2015 by Veronica
I was hoping to not use them on my trip to Africa, but I always kept a pack of P-Mates inside my purse just in case. As predicted, there came a time where there was no way to sit, squat, or otherwise be near the toilet, so I successfully used the P-Mate!
It was worth purchasing, always knowing that I could go to the bathroom when I needed to.
Suggestion: Practice with one in the privacy of your own bathroom before you venture out in the world!
Keep a small pack of baby wipes as a companion to the P-Mate.
3/15/2015 by Tanaka
I'm so thrilled someone came out with something so we women can stop squatting!
2/13/2015 by Donna
They are very functional when the need arises...great for car trips! You never know what the restrooms may be like while you're traveling...gave one to one of my girlfriends and we had a good laugh, but she'll use them when she goes camping!
2/13/2015 by Michelle
Fantastic, all the girls in my family have tried it and are thrilled
1/8/2015 by Joanna
They were very much appreciated by all the other ladies in the family. Frequent travelers, campers, concert-goers; everyone was excited to have these in their bag for future needs.
12/18/2014 by Trish
This is a great invention for women who love to spend time outdoors but find it cumbersome to carry a toilet with them.
12/15/2014 by Jane
A life-saver while traveling in China! So glad I found these just before our trip.
12/10/2014 by Charmaine
Terrific product. I have bought a number of these. Some are for gifts, especially for friends and relatives who travel a lot. Also gave samples to my GYN doctor and to my Geriatric doctor. They may want to offer your name to patients.
12/9/2014 by MAX
As a woman serving in the military this product is very useful, especially when you do not have access to a toilet. Also, you do not have to take off all of your equipment to use the restroom, which can be essential for time efficiency and safety. Highly recommend this product. Thank you for your support!
12/7/2014 by Virginia
Great for use in those disgusting "restrooms" and Port-A-Potties! No more rolling up the pantlegs and pulling your clothing away from the toilet while trying to relieve yourself in an awkward squatting stance. I was a little hesitant about trying the P-Mate; but after experiencing a gross Port-a Jon at the beach, I decided to order them. They are a bit expensive for someone who could use all 3 packages up in a day, but they are excellent for emergency use!
12/5/2014 by PETER
Its pristine beauty far surpasses its obvious utility. Leonardo would have been proud -- and Mrs. Leonardo would, no doubt, have loved her FUD
11/27/2014 by Elizabeth
In the future I will be having a hip replacement; in the meantime, I am in pain 24/7. When I go out I find that many places have rest rooms with very low toilet seats & trying to get off the toilet is very painful; however, the P-MATE has come to my rescue in that by using it I do not have to sit down on any public toilets. Not only does using the P-MATE help my hip pain but also my knees. I carry two or three in my purse at all times & am very grateful for this invention.
11/26/2014 by Randy
Perfect buy for a clever Christmas gift.
11/25/2014 by Kate
It is excellent
11/24/2014 by Diana
I was so very happy to have these in China! Most of the bathrooms have eastern style (hole in the floor) and very inconvenient for us western women! Thank you for whomever thought of these!
11/5/2014 by Judith
Easy to use. Great for hiking, camping in the rough, and anywhere restroom facilities are not available.
11/5/2014 by Tracy
I love these things! I have two young girls and these have been extremely handy on outings and sporting events. I love them as well! I feel like I have to go all the time, and knowing I have these on hand is comforting! I have probably given out more than half of what I bought to share how wonderful they are. I'm on my second order and already have given almost all away! I'll be ordering more soon for sure! Thanks again for putting these on you site...and to the inventor! She is a genius...
11/4/2014 by Elizabeth
I am giving this item a five rating not because I have personally used these female urination devices, but because when I told my daughter that I was sending her a couple of these packets she was thrilled !!! "I've wanted these for a long time, MOM!! "They will be great when we go camping !! I am so sick of sitting in the bushes!!"
11/2/2014 by Hope
I first purchased these as a "joke" for my hiking buddies. Then, I realized that I had to do some extensive airplane travel during the Ebola scare. I decided that these would take a lot the worry out of airplane rest rooms. Plus, I tried them, and they work really well. They aren't a joke any longer...I ordered two more sets of them!
10/30/2014 by Mary
This is an incredible product. I would highly recommend this anyone. It makes being outdoors an easier experience.
10/29/2014 by Kate
Well-designed – extraordinarily easy to use.
10/20/2014 by Linda
Convenient to use when traveling and having to use dirty restrooms.
10/15/2014 by Grace
Used at a football tailgate instead of port -a-john. Even the 10 year old girls were able to use it.
10/14/2014 by Cora
When I first saw this product, my first reaction was to laugh. Then I thought about my upcoming trip to Europe, where I have frequently found public toilets without toilet seats on past trips. I ordered some "just in case" for my trip. What a life saver! The area that we were traveling in was fairly rural and I did not see a toilet with a seat for the whole week except the one in our hotel room. This device made my life much easier as it made it easy and clean to use these toilets without a seat. I intend to keep one in my purse even for domestic road trips as I think it would be handy for those times when you find those "Ew!" toilets in gas stations!
10/6/2014 by Lynn
THIS is a BRILLIANT item. I had bought a "human range extender" from West Marine years ago, but it is plastic...so yeeewwww. I love that this is a toss away. I bought enough for the cars, the boat and my purse, just in case!!
10/3/2014 by Rebecca
I have been waiting for something for us women and the outdoors. My husband and myself travel each year for two week on the motorcycle and sometimes there not a lot of options for women on the road in the middle of nowhere. These have come in handy. Great great great.
9/30/2014 by Lisa
I've been doing lots of travel especially in national parks and forests. With so many experiencing drought, many parks have closed their better restroom facilities and opted for port-a-potty arrangements. Yuck! Nasty! Disgusting! Please don't make me touch ANYTHING! Thank you P-Mate!! These work. It pays to try it at home so you get the idea of how to kind of push your hips back to get the right angle. I keep them handy also for public restrooms which increasingly seem to be as bad as many port-a-pottys. I use them on airplanes as well. I have purchased a large supply and put a few in all our vehicles and keep one in my handbag.
9/29/2014 by Pamla
I had the pleasure of having one of these in my purse this weekend while attending a booth I had at an outdoor festival. Just as I assumed the porta potty was horrible! I went in, assumed the position and to my delight, was able to relieve myself. This is a must for public restroom use that you simply cannot prepare the stool to sit on. I will purchase more. Thanks!
9/17/2014 by Brad
Makes boating much easier having these on board and ready to use. No need to carry the porta-Potty anymore.
9/8/2014 by Cyndi
If you are even looking at these . . . order 'em. Yes, they work. Don't worry about how they work, once you get the package the directions are so simple.
They really are quite genius!!
I'm reordering for myself and for stocking stuffers. A very fun, but very useful, gift for travelers, hikers, campers, etc.
8/25/2014 by CJ
So glad that someone came up with this! I am so tired of "cleaning up" public toilets before I can use them! I tried this and it works great! It will also come in handy on those long drives that have no rest areas and lots of country roads.. now I can just pull off somewhere, use the P-Mate, and hit the road! YAY!
8/19/2014 by Audrey
Great product!
8/16/2014 by Denise
I felt a little funny writing a review for these, then I thought let me help my sisters out...These things work! I used them for hiking and they made 'going in the woods' so much easier. I was skeptical at first and was a little hesitant, bc I was afraid it might be messy. But just follow the instructions that come with them and it's easy-peasy! Will definitely re-order. A must for future hikes, stops in porta-potties and less than clean rest stops.
8/12/2014 by Denise
Was in Sturgis for the rally and it was a big hit. Gave them to a few of the girls and came in handy for the middle of the night use. Too far to walk to the bathroom in the cold and dark. Great idea!!!!
8/7/2014 by Tania
This simple invention is just terrific! I hike all the time and for distances of 5-10 miles at a time. Trying to find a tree/bush not too far off the trail with enough privacy is challenging sometimes. This has changed my hiking for the better tremendously! I keep a pack w/me at all times in my backpack and another in my truck - just in case!
8/6/2014 by Diane
This is the best thing since sliced bread for women. I mean, how many times have you watched your man "go" with ease while you stood there with "it" either dripping down your legs or splashing up from the ground? This eliminates all that, thankfully!!
8/4/2014 by Debbie
Works great. Definitely good since I work outside where people are not home. Saves me a lot of time! I just hate trying to squat and balance...
8/4/2014 by Sam
I travel to Scout camps and I'm happy to be able to use it in bathrooms at rest stops and in latrines in the woods. Squat and/or "hover “to void is always such a balance challenge, especially when one has MS as I do. I've tucked a couple in my purse, and although it seems a little weird, I am letting my female friends know about this cool device.
8/2/2014 by Rita
I had always dreamed of inviting something like this( my "porta-penis"), ever since I was a young girl and went on hikes with my father and siblings. At long last, I can now easily take care of Nature's business in a very easy and convenient way! It is so very simple to use, discreet to store, and can be wiped with a biodegradable tissue so that you can use one over again (at least 3-4 times) before it shows signs of wearing. Now that I have three packages, I think I will be all set for the rest of the season. I plan on buying more and giving them as gifts for my more forward thinking girlfriends. I know some ladies will think they'd never use one, but when there is no place near where you can easily urinate, I think that they might reconsider. I highly recommend this product.
7/31/2014 by Sara
AWESOME for hiking in the woods and not wanting to expose areas to bugs, poison ivy, or other hikers! Thank you for someone finally
inventing a workable solution to this unique situation women arein. Passed a few on to a biologist who does field work in New Zealand and she is thrilled....I can even use it when boating! :O)
7/30/2014 by Linda
Love this!
7/28/2014 by Ado
My husband and I travel a lot and this will make such a clean way to use port-a-potties and unsavory restrooms. It took a little effort to pee standing, but once I did, it WORKED!
7/24/2014 by Marianina
I have two granddaughters, 2 and 4. I have a very bad back and can’t lift or always get where I have to go.
This a wonderful item to have at this time and for years to come.
7/23/2014 by Shirley
Works great, easy to put into use.
7/23/2014 by Katharine
Used it on a recent long trip, and it was great. Recommended!
12/22/2014 by Verna
I suggest you practice using one at home before you try using one outside the home. It took a few tries before I got the hang of it. If I am ever on a car trip with no access to a restroom or the restroom is filthy, I will be glad I have these in my glove compartment. Carrying some TP and a plastic bag might be a good idea too.
9/8/2014 by Tara
I deliver packages to the countryside all day, and am often on the road for 9-10 hours. The problem with delivering packages is that you can't stop and go "Hey, mind if I use your bathroom?”. I was restricting my fluid intake, which during the summer is dangerous, and having chronic UTI's from holding it all day. But when your other choice is to squat, I'd rather hold it! These are a game changer. It's simple to use (I do HIGHLY recommend using them at home first, it took me about 5 tries to 'get it', to where I trusted using them out on the road), discreet, and it's simple to find a relatively secluded spot, pull over, relieve myself, and carry on. I love these, and have been introducing them to the other drivers. Highly recommend these.
8/9/2014 by Carrie
Great product! I'm buying more!
7/23/2014 by Al
Bought this product for my girlfriend since we go to a lot of outdoor events that only provide a "port-a-potty'. It was a big hit! She stated that she doesn't dread the experience of having to go, anymore. She's also learning to improve her aim.
I love P-Mate! We travel often and it is a life saver. I keep one in the car, one in my purse and travel with lots of them. I recently used one in an emergency when we were at a concert and the ports-potties had long lines. Walking to the car my husband and I popped into some thick trees and I got to pee right along side him! I starting using them while training for a half marathon and will not give them up! Funny story: While at the airport in Orlando leaving for Norway I was wearing 3 layers of clothing and did not want to take everything down, so I used a P-Mate while standing up in the ladies room stall. Well, it sounds completely different from sitting and shocked the others in the room. One brave woman kept washing her hands until I came out of the stall and looked me up and down concentrating on what I may be hiding under my jeans! LOL. I smiled sweetly.
I am a woman that hunts and fishes and have shared my backside with TOO MANY OTHERS. Thanks for restoring my dignity in the woods.
Brilliant!! UK
I'm forty years old and IT'S A PITY THAT I'VE WAITED FOR SO LONG. It really works! It feels like liberation. No more dirty gas stations, no more calculations if you can have another drink, no more fear of getting caught with bare buttocks in the headlights. The P-Mate is really marvelous. Kind regards and lots of success with spreading this good news further.
Liberation at last! Works amazingly well!
My name is Sande, and I have just tried the P-mate for the first time. I have kidney and bladder problems, and have to catch urine for 24 or 48 hours at a time. It is a pain in the neck to go in the hat, then transfer it into the jug. Now, I can go right into the container!!! Also, I have starting trouble and I can't hover because I can't relax enough to start going. Now when I'm out and the bathroom is nasty, I can whip out my P-mate and not have to worry about sitting on some disgusting toilet seat. I have a friend who has knee problems, and must try to get to the bathroom on crutches and in pain. Now she can just go anywhere. Another friend had a full body cast on, and the way the leg came up to the groin area, she couldn't get the female urinal to fit right and it usually leaked. She could have used this eight years ago! Thank you for your wonderful product.
Good idea-much more hygienic! GREAT!! Ireland
Weird at first but WHAT AN INVENTION! Fantastic!
An exhilarating and surprisingly hygienic experience!
AMAZING!! The best thing ever invented for woman. I feel like a real woman now-he he.
This needs to be commercially available – why didn’t they invent it years ago?
Ridiculously funny, but works great!
Absolutely, bloody excellent! About time! UK
Fantabulous idea! How much fun!
How cool is that – peeing standing up. FRANCE
Hygienic, amazing and practical for sure! Here we are guys!
Great, better than hovering over the long drops!
No mess, no hover, all good!
Wow, female liberation, bring on the urinals! P-Mate rocks! DENMARK
Janine Bennett 4/16/2015